Law Personal Statement – Extra-curricular Activities

3 min read

A Law Personal Statement – your required Extra-curricular Activities

Extracurricular activities as a part of Law personal statement are incredibly essential. They demonstrate that you are well-rounded and don’t spend all of your time studying. These activities also demonstrate that you are willing to try new things and develop skills outside of the classroom. They are great examples of certain transferable skills and competencies that they would want to look for in their future students. There are a few things to consider, think about the following while deciding which extracurricular activities to discuss…

  • What have I attempted that has taken me outside of my comfort zone?
  • What extracurricular activities do I participate in that exhibit talents that would be valuable as a law student?


I occasionally train in football at my local football club. On weekends, we play games, and I do my utmost to score a goal.


This extracurricular is out of place. There is no explanation as to why it helps the kid become a well-rounded individual or what skills it provides.

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I am an avid sportswoman who spends her weekends playing netball and cricket. My sports appeal to me because they are team-oriented, and I always leave the field having learned something new and eager to go on with the team into the next game. I translate the qualities I gain on the field to my academic work, especially the necessity of punctuality, high standards of effort, and the capacity to learn from others.


This extracurricular activity is made relevant to the personal statement. It clearly illustrates abilities that the student’s sport has acquired. The student also takes an attempt to connect his or her extracurricular activities to his or her academic work, demonstrating their capacity to learn from a variety of sources.

Extracurricular activities are a great idea!

You could believe that legal tutors are just concerned with their task. This is not the case, and many instructors will choose a well-rounded applicant over one with only academic background. A 70/30 or 80/20 academic-to-non-academic ratio is ideal. However, when considering non-academic activities, skill linkage is extremely significant.

Linking  Your Skills

  • This is an approach in which you link every non-academic or extracurricular activity to a relevant skill. Remember that law school talents aren’t limited to reading and writing. There are a variety of methods to promote oneself as a student with the necessary skills to begin a legal degree.
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    Here are some abilities that you might be able to use to your project…

    • Timeliness
    • Accuracy
    • Teamwork\sFlexibility
    • Stress reduction
    • A willingness to learn
    • Flexibility

    A Summary of a Law Personal Statement and the list of Extracurricular Activities in Law Personal Statement

    Extracurricular activities demonstrate that you are a well-rounded applicant who will contribute to the university’s overall success, not just in the classroom. The tutor’s major focus, however, will be on your overall interest and passion for law, supplemented by your grades and activities of interest. Make every effort to connect your extracurricular activities and hobbies to legal abilities, and your personal statement will stand out.


    →What kind of extra-curricular activities should be included in a Law personal statement?

    Candidates should include extra-curricular activities that demonstrate their interest in Law and their suitability for the program. This can include participation in moot court competitions, mock trials, debating societies, legal clinics, or volunteer work with legal organizations. It can also include other activities that demonstrate relevant skills, such as leadership positions in clubs or sports teams, community service, or internships.

    →How should extra-curricular activities be presented in a Law personal statement?

    Extra-curricular activities should be presented in a way that highlights the candidate’s achievements and the skills they have developed through their experiences. This can include specific examples of challenges they faced, how they overcame them, and what they learned from the experience. Candidates should also explain how these experiences have prepared them for a career in Law and how they plan to continue to pursue their interests in the field.

    →Should extra-curricular activities be related to Law specifically?

    While it is helpful to include extra-curricular activities related to Law specifically, it is not necessary. Candidates can demonstrate relevant skills and interests through a variety of experiences, and Law programs are interested in candidates with diverse backgrounds and perspectives. However, it is important to show how these experiences have prepared the candidate for a career in Law and demonstrate their commitment to the subject.

    →Is it important to have a variety of extra-curricular activities in a Law personal statement?

    While it is important to have a variety of extra-curricular activities that showcase a candidate’s interests and skills, it is more important to focus on quality over quantity. Candidates should choose activities that they are passionate about and can speak to in detail, rather than listing a long series of activities with minimal involvement or impact.

    →Why are extra-curricular activities important for a Law personal statement?

    Extra-curricular activities are important for a Law personal statement because they demonstrate a candidate’s passion, drive, and commitment to the subject outside of the classroom. They also provide evidence of a candidate’s skills, such as leadership, teamwork, communication, and critical thinking, which are highly valued in the legal profession.

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