The Queen’s College (Oxford): Detailed Guide, General Information and Contacts

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Worcester College was founded in the 18th century and is known for its 26 acres of beautiful grounds featuring numerous green spaces, ducks, an orchard, and the College sports field. The College values welfare very highly and has a number of avenues of support for College members with any kind of problem. There are generally 3 bops a term, where two take place in the college bar, and the third takes place in a club. Other regular social events include themed evenings, comedy nights, and charity auctions amongst other events.

About the university

General Information
Name The Queen’s College
Phone Number 01865 279161

The Queen’s College stands on High Street, a few minutes’ walk from the Bodleian Library, the Science Area, and the city centre. Attractively, buses to London leave from right outside the front gates.

Financial support

The Queen’s College participates in the Jardine Foundation Scholarship which offers full bursaries to overseas students from East Asia. The College has a budget of around £90,000 a year to support students and these grants include academic support costs, travel grants, funds, and scholarships. There is financial support available for undergraduates and graduates. More information can be found here.

Life at College

The specific college societies are:

Christian Society


The Addison Society

The 1341 Society

Music Societies including the Chorus, Acapella, Jazz Band, String Quartet

The Eglesfield Players

As well as these, there are over 300 university societies you can join.


Queen’s offers College accommodation to all undergraduates for the duration of their course and incoming undergraduates are automatically allocated a room. All first years are housed in the main College and some rooms are en-suite, whereas some have shared bathrooms. Every room has a mini fridge. In subsequent years, students will be housed in one of the College annexes around the city which are between 10-15 minutes’ walk from the main College site. There is a fixed kitchen charge which is paid termly by all students and contributes towards the College kitchen running costs. After the first year, the option to share rooms is available for students who are looking for a cheaper rent.

Queen’s College is fully catered, and meals are subsidised by the College, allowing for varied menus and dietary requirements.

More information about undergraduate accommodation can be found here.

The Queen’s College offers graduate accommodation and houses around 70% of its first-year graduate students. All graduate accommodation is off-site at two different locations. More information on graduate accommodation can be found here.


The Queen’s College represents many sports including athletics, cross country, badminton, basketball, cricket, and more. The College takes part in inter-collegiate competitions and many teams put on tours and challenge teams in Cambridge too. However, the College sports teams welcomes all levels of experience.

There is a gym in Carrodus Quad, playing fields, and a clubhouse near the river which is around a 15 minutes’ walk from the main College.


Queen’s College JCR elects two welfare representatives each year who organise events to help promote happiness and wellbeing across the JCR. Every fresher is assigned two college parents to help them adjust to university life, and there are also study buddies who help freshers with their work. There is a welfare brunch organised every 5 weeks for the entire JCR.

For graduates, there is an MCR welfare officer as well as a dedicated team to help graduates with their welfare needs.

  • Some Colleges have pet tortoises, but Queen’s has a friendly Boar’s head mounted on the wall of the JCR.
  • Queen’s is the sister college of Pembroke in Cambridge which means both students at both colleges have the right to dine and book accommodation at either college. The JCR’s also hold joint events.
  • At the start of the second weekly dinner sitting, a trumpet call is sounded across Back Quad to summon students to dinner. This practice is one of the original statutes for the college which are still followed today.
Famous alumni

Rowan Atkinson

Tony Abbott

Joseph Addison

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