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Terms and Conditions

Oxbridge Mind Tutoring Terms of Service


By signing up on the 1-1 Tutoring program with Oxbridge Mind (“Program”) you are agreeing to be bound by the following terms and conditions (“Terms of Service”).

Oxbridge Mind reserves the right to update and change the Terms of Service from time to time however will inform the client if so.

Violation of any of the terms below will result in the termination of your enrolment.

Data Protection and Privacy

In respect of any Personal Data (as defined in the Data Protection Act 1998 (the “1998 Act”)) processed by Oxbridge Mind and the Tutor pursuant to these Client Terms, both parties warrant that they shall comply and will continue to comply with the Data Protection Legislation and any regulations made thereunder (including but not limited to the Data Protection Principles, as defined in the Data Protection Legislation).

All personal data is kept confidentially and only on a need-to-know basis. Further information can be found here: Privacy Policy and Terms of Use


1. Fees and Payment

1.1 Oxbridge Mind acts as agents on behalf of the tutor (Tutor) and will introduce the Tutor to the student (Student).

1.2 The billing process will be under the control of Oxbridge Mind, who shall send an invoice to the Student based on lesson logs submitted by the Tutor. The Student should ensure that timesheets are checked. The timesheets are emailed to the Student, and accessible via an online booking system. 

1.3 Payments must be made to Oxbridge Mind within 10 days of the invoice.

1.4 Payments must not be made directly to the Tutor at any time.

1. 5 If any payments are delayed by a client, Oxbridge Mind reserves the right to charge their preferred payment method for the overdue amount or the full amount pending

2. Non-solicitation

2.1 The Client is not permitted to make private arrangements for tuition with a Tutor introduced by Oxbridge Mind. Should a Client breach this obligation, they will be liable to account to Oxbridge Mind for all sums paid to the Tutor without deduction and Oxbridge Mind shall be entitled to obtain an injunction against the Client to prevent further breaches.  This obligation shall continue notwithstanding termination of this agreement.


3. Liability

3.1 Oxbridge Mind have no liability in respect of any arrangement you may choose to enter at your discretion with a Tutor.  Our liability to you under the Contract is limited to the fees that you pay to us in respect of those services, although we do not exclude or limit our liability for death or personal injury caused by our negligence, fraud or for any other liability that cannot be legally excluded or limited.  We will not be liable for any failure to provide services where we are prevented from doing so by an event outside of our reasonable control.

4. Cancellation Policy

4.1 If the Student wishes to cancel a lesson, they must do so no less than 24 hours in advance with the Tutor. Any lessons cancelled less than 24 hours in advance will normally be charged at their normal rate.  

4.2 If a Student attends a lesson more than 15 minutes late, the lesson may be ended by the Tutor at their discretion. 

4.3 If a Tutor wishes to cancel a lesson, the Student will be able to rearrange the session and no hour credits will be used. 

4.4 Bookings for non-recurring group events (such as but not limited to Live Days, MMI Circuits, paid webinars and seminars) required cancellation at least 48 hours in advance unless otherwise specified. This must be done by contacting Oxbridge Mind either by phone or email- messaging through your WhatsApp group is not suitable. If you wish to rebook onto another date, you will need to complete the appropriate form and have this returned to us at least 5 working days before your new date. We cannot guarantee availability.

4.5 Bookings for in-person group events (such as but not limited to person MMI Circuits, in-person Live Days and Work Experience) must be completed by email only at least 7 days in advance of the expected start date. Phone or message cancellations are not suitable. If you wish to rebook onto another date, you will need to complete the appropriate form and have this returned to us at least 5 working days before your new date. We cannot guarantee availability.

4.6 Cancellations of non-recurring events as named above such as the Work Experience are non-refundable.

5. Tutoring Credits and Courses

5.1 In a situation where the Student is dissatisfied with the Tutor introduced, Oxbridge Mind will not take payment for the first lesson as per the “Oxbridge Mind Satisfaction Guarantee”. This policy can be invoked if i) the tuition is not ongoing beyond the first lesson, ii) the reasons for dissatisfaction are deemed reasonable, iii) the Student informs Oxbridge Mind within 60 days of the session taking place. 

5.2 For advance bookings of tuition, the hours are valid for a period of 6 months after the initial booking. These hours can be extended by a further 3 months for £30, 6 months for £60 and 12 months for £100.

The hours should be used with one individual tutor, however Oxbridge Mind may help to organise a substitute or additional Tutor based on the individual circumstances, and with the permission of the primary Tutor.

5.3 In the event that a tutor becomes unavailable, for example due to illness, Oxbridge Mind may be asked, with the permission of the primary Tutor, to aid in re-allocating another Tutor.

5.4 Oxbridge Mind Tutoring Credits are non-refundable. This is because a number of factors are taken into consideration including scheduling, tutor availability and more. As an exception, Oxbridge Mind may opt to offer a refund of up to 25% of the full fees paid in a limited period after booking.

5.5 All other courses – including but not limited to online courses, live days, weekly classes and books – are non-refundable upon purchase.

6. Oxbridge Mind Platinum Package Money Back Guarantee

6.1 Students that enrol on the Platinum Full Application Programme under Oxbridge Mind and fail to secure entry at Oxbridge in the same year, may choose to re-enrol in the Platinum Full Application Programme for another year or opt for a £500 refund.

6.2 The following students are not eligible for the Oxbridge Mind Guarantee:

6.2.1. Students that do not complete their UCAS Application

6.2.2. International Applicants are defined as Applicants who are not residing in the UK and who are also not currently studying in the UK

6.2.3. Graduate Applicants who hold a previous degree

6.2.4. Students who do not:

  1. Complete 75% of UCAT, Interview or any applicable Online Course Videos
  2. Complete 75% of applicable Question Banks
  3. Attend UCAT or applicable admissions tests, and Interview Live Classroom Days if applying for any applicable Universities.
  4. Meet minimum course requirements for each university they have applied to.

6.2.5. The Guarantee cannot be transferred to another entity and must be exercised within 6 months of the early UCAS Deadline. 

6.2.6. The option must be exercised by emailing with the Subject: Platinum Money Back Guarantee. They should state their full name, mobile number and attach a letter from their school confirming rejection from all four medical schools. They should also include the dates of the Live Days they attended. If this is not available then documentation from UCAS can be considered as an alternative.

7. Ethical Practice  

7.1 Oxbridge Mind may investigate any disputes from either the Student or Tutor with respect to lessons, scheduling, safeguarding, privacy or any other matter.

7.2 Tutors and Students are expected to be professional, prompt with time and held to Oxbridge Mind’s standard of conduct. Oxbridge Mind reserves the right to terminate tuition if inappropriate behaviour has occurred, including but not limited to safeguarding breaches, plagiarism, and unethical practices. 

7.3 By commencing tuition, students are agreeing to Oxbridge Mind’s full safeguarding policy –

8. General

8.1 Oxbridge Mind reserves the right to alter these terms and conditions. Oxbridge Mind will, however, notify the Client in writing of any changes.

8.2 Unless otherwise agreed in writing by a Director of Oxbridge Mind these terms and conditions shall prevail over any other terms of business or conditions put forward by the Student.

8.3 No variation or alteration of these terms and conditions shall be valid unless approved in writing by a Director of Oxbridge Mind. 

We keep our statement under regular review. This statement was last updated on 18th March 2024.
