Top Tips for a Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement

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Introduction: Dos and Don’ts

Cambridge Personal Statements for Architecture is a crucial component of your university application as it presents a unique opportunity for you to differentiate yourself from other applicants. You would be able to articulate your story and explain your interests beyond that of numbers on an admissions test. Furthermore, it gives the interviewer a chance to understand who you are, providing a platform to bounce off questions during your interview. 

They can tailor questions to your personality, interests, and commitment to who you are as a person and your amalgamation of experiences before you. To guide you through the arduous university application process, our Oxbridge application experts have compiled a list of top 10 Architecture Personal Statement Cambridge tips– do’s and don’ts– for your Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement for the 2024/25 application cycle.

architecture personal statement Cambridge

General Advice for Architecture Personal Statement

Architecture at Cambridge not only teaches you about the construction and design of structures and buildings but it is also balanced with teachings in the philosophy as well as the history of architecture. You can also expect to be exposed to more modern topics such as urbanism and contemporary culture, being enriched in knowledge in both design and theory. 

As such, your Cambridge personal statement should illustrate how you demonstrate certain key qualities, such as that curiosity, creativity, and intellectual grounding. Moreover, when planning out your Architecture personal statement, make sure you research Cambridge’s achievements in architecture and include it in your writing to illustrate your interest in architecture. 

Furthermore, when you are completing your university applications, you would likely also be applying to four other universities or courses. Hence, it is understandable if your Architecture personal statement is vague and non-specific to Cambridge. The University of Cambridge understands this and will allow you to fill out an ‘Online Supplementary Application Questionnaire (SAQ)’ shortly after submitting the UCAS application. As such, make sure you’ve created another condensed version of your Cambridge Architecture personal statement that can be directly submitted to Cambridge.

Top 5 Tips for Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement

Display interest in both design and theory

Some students might have the misconception that architecture is a pure art or design-based course, and others might think that they would be only learning about architecture theory. However, the architecture degree offered at Cambridge encompasses both. Hence, it is important to highlight to Cambridge tutors that you understand and are excited about this.

You can display this understanding by highlighting that you are excited about both aspects of the course. You can also further elaborate on this by stating similar relevant experiences that you have undertaken because of this interest. For example, this could include architecture competitions or workshops.

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Illustrate in your Cambridge personal statement that you are widely read

Oxbridge tutors love when you show that you are deeply versed in reading. This is because it is a simple, realistic, and straightforward way of showing them that you are genuinely interested in the course you want to pursue. Think of it this way– if you are a fan of a certain pop star or celebrity, you would want to find out more about them. Similarly, if you have a genuine interest in architecture, you would have taken the initiative to learn more about it and read ahead.

Rest assured, reading is not only restricted to books. It could also include short articles, magazines, or even podcasts, documentaries, or Youtube videos. For example, Architectural digest is a fun way to be introduced to certain architectural concepts. You can also incorporate the consumption of these media in your daily life by tuning in to a podcast instead of your usual playlist on your ride home from school.

Read around the subject you’re applying for

When writing your Cambridge personal statement, architecture should show as your passion. First of all, reading around the subject doesn’t necessarily mean reading books. Podcasts, magazine articles, documentaries or Research Papers relating to the field of Architecture are all great ways to engage with new content. Popping your headphones in on the way to school and listening to a discussion on thought-provoking areas of your subject is far less daunting than being faced with a huge book. Furthermore, you are going to university to study – you haven’t started yet! – and so the person reading your Cambridge personal statement doesn’t expect you to be an expert, just to have an interest! Exploring a topic that you find fascinating and can form opinions about is far more impressive and important than trying to find the most academic text out there.

Reflect on any experience mentioned and link it to architecture

The main flaw that applicants have when writing their Cambridge personal statements for architecture is assuming that Cambridge tutors want the most decorated applicant. This is actually not the case, as what they are really looking out for is the student who most matches the course they apply for. Hence, do not simply state an experience just because you think it is impressive– reflect on how it has shaped you, and extract a quality that you were equipped with. Lastly, link this quality to how it is relevant to architecture, and how it makes you the perfect architecture student.

Leave yourself enough time when writing your Cambridge Architecture personal statement

Although it is easy to leave the writing of your Cambridge personal statement to the last minute, especially whilst you are busy with your studies or other extracurriculars, always buffer enough time to write your Architecture personal statement. This includes factoring in enough time for the completion of multiple drafts. This is because your first draft would never be your best one, and you would want to continuously refine it based on received feedback. Leaving sufficient time for yourself would also ensure you would not miss out on any information you might have forgotten.

If you are staring at a blank document and finding it difficult to start, you can try listing out all your experiences and achievements in the past 5 years. Next, list out all the desirable qualities specific to an architectural student, as well as what the architectural course would entail. You can then match your personal traits to the course, and start fleshing out your paragraphs from there. You can also use prompts to inspire your writing, such as: What about architecture excites me? Why do I want to study architecture? What do I know about architecture at Cambridge and its modules?

Cambridge personal statement architecture

Top 5 things to AVOID for your Cambridge Architecture Personal Statement

Be misinformed about architecture and what to expect

Always be sure to research the course thoroughly before applying. You can also speak to current or post-graduate students about how they find the course. Most students’ perceptions of the course that they are applying to are shaped by that of the media, or their limited high school experiences. Hence, this can lead to a one-dimensional, and not a necessarily accurate view of architecture.

Having an accurate and realistic understanding of Cambridge’s architecture programme would not only give you an edge if this understanding is displayed in your Architecture personal statement, but it also ensures that you are able to identify if you are a good match for it.

Associate too many qualities with a singular experience

Although it is recommended to always reflect on an experience and explain how it has equipped you with certain qualities, do not go overboard with the number of things you have learnt from a singular experience. For example, it is not realistic to learn time management, leadership skills, compassion, and perseverance all from a two-day camp. Choose one specific quality that you would like to highlight when enumerating your experiences. There is more value in explaining, rather than listing.

Make sweeping statements without showing how it is related to architecture

With all that you have done in high school and more, you might feel pressed to fit everything into the word count. Hence, it is important to pick and choose the points that you would really like to elaborate on and highlight, instead of mentioning everything with a simple one-liner. Avoid general statements that don’t add value to your Cambridge Architecture personal statement, and make sure that you are always linking your points back to how you are well matched for architecture.

For example, you can avoid talking about experiences that are completely irrelevant to architecture. If you feel that a certain experience is crucial to you and your journey, try and extract relevant qualities from it. For example, your part-time work taught you to be resourceful or creative in finding unconventional solutions to common everyday problems.

Writing an essay on your favourite theory or architecture

Although mentioning certain books, ideas, or theories is a good way to show that you are well-read or passionate about architecture, do not turn your Cambridge Architecture personal statement into an argumentative essay or informational sheet about a certain theory. Do remember that what Cambridge tutors are interested in when reading your Cambridge Architecture personal statement is you. These tutors are people who are already experts in their field, and would likely know any theory that you are writing on. When reading your Cambridge Architecture personal statement, they want to learn about you and if you are a good match for architecture, not a theory that they can learn from any textbook.

Being cliché and unprofessional

Keeping in mind that Cambridge tutors are reading your Architecture personal statement to determine if you are a good fit for the course, it could come off as unauthentic if you talk about a cliché or movie-like moment being your only motivation to study architecture. It is alright if your reasons for studying architecture are due to amalgamations of small, seemingly insignificant reasons– as long as you show valid and reasonable reasons for wanting to study architecture. Be authentic!

If you’re unsure about what you’ve included in your architecture personal statement Cambridge draft, why not book a FREE consultation with our specialists and book a personal statement check.

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