Get Ready for Medical School Interview Invites 2023

3 min read

UPDATE: Please note that CAAT have announced they will no longer be administering the BMAT in 2024, for 2025 entry. Cambridge University has announced that they will be using the UCAT as an admissions indicator. Oxford University are to announce admissions test changes in Spring 2024.

Congratulations on making it this far in the application process if you are applying to medical school in 2023! When the October deadline has passed, you may start waiting for interview invitations from the medical schools of your choice. Continue reading to learn more about when you might anticipate hearing back from medical schools throughout the nation. We understand that the wait can be nerve-wracking, so we hope this would alleviate some of your worries!

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The BMAT is used by 7 medical schools in the UK to evaluate applicants’ academic qualifications for their medical programs. Amongst the seven, The University of Cambridge and The University of Oxford are two of the universities that require their candidates to take the BMAT.

Before inviting candidates for interviews, many universities wait for the BMAT results to be announced. Because the BMAT is taken significantly later than the UCAT, the interview offers would be somewhat delayed.

For 2023, BMAT results will be delivered to universities by the end of November. After this, Oxford and Cambridge will send out their interview offers in December.

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    What can you do now?

    It might be stressful to wait for a response from the medical school of your dreams, but there is no better time to start preparing for your interviews. Now is an excellent time to find out more about the suggested structure of their interviews and the best ways to get ready for them. In terms of medical school interviews, comfort will be bred through familiarity. Some skills to focus on are that of practising virtual interview tactics and trying out mock MMI circuits.

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    Finally, applaud and congratulate yourself for getting this far into the application process. You are almost there and we are rooting for you!

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