Gonville and Caius College (Cambridge): Detailed Guide, General Information and Contacts

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Worcester College was founded in the 18th century and is known for its 26 acres of beautiful grounds featuring numerous green spaces, ducks, an orchard, and the College sports field. The College values welfare very highly and has a number of avenues of support for College members with any kind of problem. There are generally 3 bops a term, where two take place in the college bar, and the third takes place in a club. Other regular social events include themed evenings, comedy nights, and charity auctions amongst other events.

About the university

General Information
Name Gonville and Caius College
Phone Number 01223 332400
Email admissions@cai.cam.ac.uk
Website https://www.cai.cam.ac.uk/

Gonville and Caius College is located on Trinity Street in the centre of Cambridge and is surrounded by other colleges such as Trinity College and Trinity Hall.

Financial support

All students are eligible for academic grants to help cover activities such as travel, language courses, internship support and the costs of books or other academic material.  The Bell, Abbott and Barnes Funds exist as hardship funds to support students with unexpected financial difficulties.  There are also a range of awards and prizes for students who display academic, sporting or musical excellence.

More information on this can be found here

Life at College

Societies available at Gonville and Caius College include:

  • Nuts and Bolts, the Caius Engineering Society
  • Gonville and Caius Music Society
  • Caius Politics Society
  • Caius Board Games Society

As well as this, there are hundreds of university societies for students to choose from.


Gonville and Caius College offer accommodation for all undergraduates throughout their time at Cambridge.  Rooms vary from £173 to £187 per week and include heating, cleaning, electricity and internet.  All rooms are fully furnished with free laundry facilities available on site.  Students share small kitchens, with some students also sharing bathroom facilities.  In their first year, students live on the main site, with some students choosing to venture out into College-owned housing in their subsequent years.

The College offer rooms for all postgraduate students for up to 3 years.  These postgraduate houses are mainly located in the Harvey Road campus a short distance from the main site.  These shared houses are spacious and well-equipped, with shared kitchens and bathrooms.  Rooms vary from £595 per month to £809 per month and exclude all bills.


Sports available at Gonville and Caius College include rugby, football, taekwondo, rock climbing and a host of other interesting sports.  At Barton Road, a few minutes’ walk from the main site, students can find a pavilion, cricket pitch, tennis courts, squash courts, a gym and an all-weather synthetic grass court.  Caius also has its own gym on the West Road site


The College has a nurse available to help with any major or minor problems that are causing distress.  The College nurse can also refer students on to the College counsellor for further support and advice in relation to mental health.  Each student is allocated a tutor to provide academic and non-academic support.  A peer support system is in place, where first years are paired with several second years to allow for easier acclimitisation to university life.

  • The Gonville and Caius site has several acres of landscaped gardens, flowerbeds and woodlands
  • The Gonville and Caius Choir perform weekly and tour regularly.  Students can enjoy an impressive range of sacred music across many time periods
  • Gonville and Caius College has 3 computer rooms for students to use, with each giving students access to high class computers and multi-functional devices
Famous alumni

Jimmy Carr

Francis Crick

Stephen Hawking 

Eugenia Chang

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