Oxford University Biomedical Science Entry Requirements & General Info

3 min read

Biomedical Sciences at Oxford is an intellectually stimulating degree. Furthermore, it gives students an insight into integral biological systems.  Through a mixture of lectures, tutorials and practicals, students can choose to focus on molecular biology or neuroscience. Students also receive teaching from leading experts within the field.

Minimum Entrance Requirements for Oxford Biomedical Sciences courseA-levels – A*AA excluding Critical Thinking, Thinking Skills and General Studies
Advanced Highers – AA
IB – 39 (including core points) with 766 at HL.  Students are required to have two of the following at Higher Level: Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics
Admission Test for Biomedical Sciences course at OxfordBMAT+ Interview

The Biomedical Admissions Test usually occurs in November.  This is a two hour long test comprising 3 sections.  The first tests problem solving and data analysis.  Section two is based on A-Level Science and Mathematics, testing your ability to apply these concepts to unfamiliar situations.  Section three is a written portion testing your ability to come up with ideas and communicate them effectively.
Subject Requirements for Biomedical Sciences course at OxfordCandidates must have two of Biology, Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics.
Extras things admission tutors look forAt interview, examiners look for students who can:
Think clearly and critically
Understand the necessity for observations 
Apply familiar concepts to unfamiliar situations
Display a curiosity and a passion for learning Biomedical Sciences
Duration3 years- students will graduate with a BA
4 years- students will graduate with a MBiomedSci
Admissions StatisticsInterviewed: 27%
Successful: 10%
Intake: 43
What is the Biomedical Sciences course at Oxford?Studying Biomedical Sciences at Oxford helps students to understand the intricacies of the human body, covering several key topics on the types of cells and systems present in our anatomy.  Students can also choose to focus on neuroscience and understand how the brain and our neural pathways have developed, as well as how they operate.

This course involves both theoretical knowledge and practical work, giving graduates an excellent array of skills.  Students can also progress their knowledge on physiological concepts and then put these into practice in specially designated laboratories. This then provides them with valuable practical skills that they can later on use within several scientific industries.
Oxford Colleges that offer Biomedical SciencesBalliol College, Corpus Christi College, Exeter College, Keble College, Lincoln College, Magdalen College, New College, Oriel College, The Queen’s College, St Anne’s College, St Catz College, St Edmund Hall College, St Hilda’s College, St Hugh’s College, St John’s College, Trinity College, University (Univ) College
Structure of Biomedical Sciences course at OxfordYear 1 – Courses include Numerical and scientific skills, Body and cells, Genes and molecules, Brain and behaviour.  Assessments are in the form of five written papers as well as requiring a satisfactory practical record.

Year 2 – Students select courses totaling ten units, including courses such as: Psychological processes and disorders, Neurophysiology, Cellular and systems physiology, Pharmacology.  Assessments include two written papers.

Year 3 – Students work on their short research project, as well as covering specialized options such as Neuroscience or Psychology.  Students can choose to graduate with a degree in either Cell and Systems Biology or Neuroscience.  Assessments include three written papers, as well as a written project report and a presentation on research findings.

Year 4 – Students receive skill-based teaching and engage with an extended research project as well as a review article.  Students will have to submit a project report and deliver a presentation on their research findings.

Teaching is given in the form of between 6 and 10 lectures, a Mathematics/Statistics class and a practical class each week, as well as weekly tutorials discussing relevant topics with your tutors.
Common Careers for Oxford Biomedical Sciences StudentsExamples of common careers for Oxford 
Biomedical Sciences students include:
Academic researcher
Research analyst
Graduate medicine
Biotechnology researcher


→What is the biomedical science program at Oxford University?

The biomedical science program at Oxford University is a rigorous and highly respected course of study that covers a wide range of topics related to human health and disease. Students in the program study topics such as molecular biology, immunology, genetics, and neuroscience.

→What are the admission requirements for studying biomedical science at Oxford University?

The admission requirements for studying biomedical science at Oxford University vary depending on the level of study. Generally, applicants are required to have a strong academic record, including top grades in relevant subjects such as biology, chemistry, and mathematics. Additionally, applicants must submit a personal statement, letters of recommendation, and may be required to sit an admissions test and/or attend an interview.

→What is the community like for biomedical science students at Oxford University?

Biomedical science students at Oxford University are part of a diverse and supportive community of scholars. The university has a range of social and cultural activities, including student-run clubs and societies, that offer opportunities for students to engage with each other and the wider community.

→What resources are available to biomedical science students at Oxford University?

Biomedical science students at Oxford University have access to a range of resources, including state-of-the-art laboratories and research centers, as well as support services such as academic advising and career services.

→What opportunities are available for biomedical science students at Oxford University?

Biomedical science students at Oxford University have access to a wide range of opportunities, including research internships, clinical placements, and study abroad programs. Additionally, the university has a strong network of alumni working in the biomedical field who can provide mentorship and career guidance.

→What is the job outlook for biomedical science graduates from Oxford University?

Biomedical science graduates from Oxford University are highly sought after by employers in a range of fields, including academia, healthcare, and the pharmaceutical industry. Many graduates go on to pursue further study or work in research or clinical settings.

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