What is a good TSA score?

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So, you’re soon to take the TSA Thinking Skills assessment, and you want to know what score you need to get in order to make your application stand out. It can get a little complicated and may depend on the course you’re applying to. This article will clear up any confusion from TSA test results to what they mean, so read on!

How does TSA scoring work?

TSA scores are not simply the number of marks you get in the paper. To account for variations in cohort performance and test difficulty year-on-year, TSA test results are converted using a statistical technique (Rasch to be precise). They are calculated on the TSA scale, which runs from 0 to roughly 100. For example, a raw mark of 40/50 would have got you a score of 74.6 in 2019, and 76.8 in 2020. You can find score conversion charts for all the past papers available, so when you do a practice paper, have a look at what your mark would have converted to to get an idea of where you are. You will get converted scores for Critical Thinking and Problem Solving separately, as well as an overall score. Universities will be able to see this score breakdown too, so make sure you prepare for both areas of the test. 

good TSA score
TSA results 2024 The score distribution for <a href=httpswwwoxacuksitesfilesoxfordmedia wysiwygexplanation of tsa oxford results2023pdf target= blank rel=noopener title=>TSA Section 1<a>
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What is generally considered a good TSA score?

Cambridge Assessment (who previously administered the TSA) say that the TSA results 2024 scoring is designed so the typical applicant to a top UK university will score 60. 70 is a comparatively high score and 80+ is scored by only a few exceptional candidates. However, some courses are more competitive than others, so a score that is competitive for your course may slightly differ from this.

What is a good TSA score for Oxford?

There isn’t much officially published about TSA minimums or TSA cutoffs for courses at Oxford, but we can get an idea by looking at Freedom of Information requests that people have made for statistics on different courses, or admissions feedback that some colleges may publish. Only information about Section 1 is available – the Section 2 essay is not centrally marked and different admissions tutors use their own scoring system. All the following information is a very rough guide to TSA minimums and TSA cutoff scores. It’s always better to aim high rather than settle for the bare minimum score. The average scores of successful applicants vary each year – there is no set TSA cutoff that the university uses to shortlist or reject applicants.

Oxford TSA Results 2024

The University of Oxford uses a TSA score conversion. This is where raw scores on Section 1 of the TSA Oxford are converted to scores on a scale which runs roughly from 0 to 100. This varies according to the overall difficulty of the questions. The use of this scale allows the scores of candidates who have taken different versions of the test to be directly compared. Typical applicants will score around 60. The best applicants will score more highly. 70 is a comparatively high score and only a few applicants will achieve scores higher than 80.

What is a good TSA score?

Scores are split between the two parts of TSA Section 1: problem solving and critical thinking. The average TSA score for problem solving was 55.2. The average TSA score for critical thinking ranged from 58.6 to 63.3.

good TSA score
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TSA test results
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How are Oxford TSA Results used?

TSA Oxford helps admissions tutors to assess if applicants possess the skills and aptitudes required to study at the highest level. It tests for the ability to think critically, reason analytically, and use language accurately and effectively. It does not test particular subject knowledge.

However, this test is only one of the elements used in the admissions process. It also includes your previous academic results and forecast grades, the UCAS application form and examples of recent written work. If you are invited to attend an interview, this will also play a big part in the success of your application.

For more information on the TSA exam 2024, check out our other articles.

This information is for reference only. It is estimated based on past admission cycles, but remember the TSA 2024 could be different. The best strategy is to aim for the highest score you can achieve.

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    When do TSA 2024 test results come out?

    Your TSA results will be released in January 2024. You will only hear back about your Section 1 score as Section 2 is passed on to admissions tutors at Oxford to read and consider with the rest of your application. 


    A good TSA score can vary from course to course, but overall scores of 70 and above appear to be the average score of a successful applicant. Remember – the TSA is just one part of your application. It’s important to do as well as you can, but getting a score below 70 does not make it impossible to be shortlisted for an interview or offered a place. Work hard, prepare thoroughly, and do your best, but don’t neglect other aspects of your application as they are also important. If you’re looking for some help in your TSA preparation journey, Oxbridge Mind’s expert tutors can guide you through the process.  Our 1-1 sessions can help you boost your score! Alternatively, check out our TSA Online Course and TSA Past Papers, packed with practise questions.


    →What is the TSA?

    The TSA (Thinking Skills Assessment) is a standardized test used by some universities in the United Kingdom for admission to certain undergraduate and graduate programs. The test assesses critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.

    When and how to get Oxford TSA results?

    Oxford TSA results will be released in January 2024. You’ll be given an information sheet after the exam with details that will allow you to login to the results portal and retrieve your results, so keep it safe! This will only be for Section 1. It’s unlikely you’ll hear back about Section 2 as your essay is marked by the admissions tutor processing your application.

    →What is considered a good TSA score?

    A good TSA score depends on the university and program to which an applicant is applying. Generally, a score above the average for the program is considered good. For example, at Oxford University, a score of 60 or above is considered a good TSA score for most undergraduate courses.

    →Can applicants retake the TSA to improve their score?

    Applicants can retake the TSA to improve their score, but some universities have restrictions on how many times an applicant can take the test. It is also important to note that some universities only consider the highest score achieved by an applicant, while others consider all scores achieved.

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